Felix Tschudi’s passion and dedication to the Arctic has been recognised on several arenas but the latest and most significant was receiving the prestigious “High North Hero” Award for 2020.
When receiving the Award a few months ago, Tschudi announced that half the prize money would go to the Music Alchemy in Arkhangelsk with the other half going to initiatives fighting plastic polluting the Arctic Sea.
The Tschudi Group has now decided to support the project Clean Sea – Blue Responsibility - a knowledge-based project led by the Norwegian Fishermans’ Association with SALT Lofoten being responsible for the academic content.
When asked why he had chosen this specific project, Felix Tschudi commented: “We in Tschudi Shipping are very pleased to be able to contribute to such a positive initiative. Solutions to current challenges lie with those who will operate in the Arctic in the future, namely the young”.
The project was launced in 2019. Since then only digital workshops have been possible due to the Covid-19 pandemic. These workshops have however been attended by pupils from West Lofoten High School and students from Murmansk State Technical University.
The recent gathering arranged for youngsters in Kirkenes and Murmansk was therefore a big step forward. This event involved cleaning beaches, analysing findings and comparing what was found on either side of the Norwegian / Russian border.
Marit Hiim Haugseth, Norwegian Fishermen's Association comments: “It is fantastic that a real “High North Hero” has recognised the work we do! This type of project is costly, and the money will go specifically to activities on the Russian side of the border. We have been able to mobilise Russian students to a beach to clean, provide them with the equipment they need and not least offer refreshments. In this way, the academic and social benefits of the project are considerably strengthened, and this is exactly where Tschudi has contributed greatly!”
Sea pollution is not a problem for one country alone. It requires a common understanding and jointly developed solutions. This project shows how this can be achieved across borders with simple means and relevant and engaged people.